University View Academy will be well represented in the cast of “The Nutcracker A Tale from the Bayou” being staged by the Baton Rouge Ballet Theater in December. Five students are members of the cast, including the lead dancer, Anna White.

Anna White
White is a 7th grader who will dance in the role of Clara. Her mom, Karen, says it’s the result of hard work. White dances 3 to 4 days a week, 2 to 3 hours a day. Plus, she has Nutcracker rehearsal on weekends for several hours each day. Her mom says she’s proud of what Anna has accomplished and says “I can’t believe it’s the lead role.”
Adrienne Simmons
Another Uview student, 10th grader Adrienne Simmons, will dance in 4 parts of the performance. She too puts in long hours and hard work being a senior company member of the Baton Rouge Ballet Theater.
Hanna Ray, a University View Academy 8th grader, will also dance 3 parts. Look for her to come out from beneath Mother Ginger’s skirt as a Bon Bon. She says she likes that dancing role best since it’s the most demanding as far as dance technique goes.

Two other students who are not dancers also have roles. Tenth Grader Yazmin Briggs and 8th grader Taylor McBride play the roles of Russians. Those parts require tumbling routines and their background as gymnasts makes them well-suited for the roles.
The Nutcracker A Tale from the Bayou is December 15th at the Raising Cane’s River Center in Baton Rouge and tickets are on sale now.