Young boy with cowboy hat petting his horse

UVA offers a wide variety of field trips and engagement opportunities.

As the world learned firsthand during the pandemic, one of the challenges of any virtual school can be the lack of in-person interaction and socialization with peers. University View Academy has a long history of providing field trips and external learning opportunities to fill in the gap for student socialization and family engagement. School-sponsored events staff identify fun and engaging field trip opportunities each month for our families to attend across the entire state of Louisiana.

These field trips also provide an opportunity for parents to meet, build connections, compare notes, and gather learning coach tips from each other on how to maximize their children’s experience at UVA. We believe that these hands-on engagement opportunities are critical to the learning environment provided at UVA. As a result, we have expanded the number of regions where field trips will be held for the 2024-25 school year.

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