Devon Greenfield
Middle school math teacher Devon Greenfield loves numbers and Excel Spreadsheets but says she felt she lacked something while she worked as an accountant. She had been tutoring children in math on the side and said she loved the feedback she got when the kids got the concepts and solved the equations. As an accountant, she says, “I just wasn’t getting the satisfaction as I do with teaching.” So, after five years, she went back to school to become certified as a math teacher.
She’s been teaching ten years, three at University View Academy. She says she thrives in the online environment. “The best part is when you change a kid who doesn’t like math, and you make it easily comprehensible.” It “is more personal, you have time to do more one-on-one than in a brick and mortar school where it was during lunch or after school,” she adds. At UVA, she can add the personal learning touches with phone calls, texts, and individual live sessions.
Devon says she also appreciates the advice and pointers she gets from her fellow teachers who share best practices advice. “Each has a niche and feels comfortable going to each other for help,” she says. Her dedication to students has not gone unnoticed by her fellow teachers. Devon says, “I’m willing to do so much for students to achieve.”
She’s also dedicated to her health and fitness. Devon does CrossFit and weight training and rides her bicycle 40 to 60 miles a weekend. She’s even ridden in the Cycle Zydeco casual tour of Southwest Louisiana where the group does 40 miles per day over four days.