Congratulations to University View Academy’s Nicole Madere for being named a semifinalist for Teacher of the Year by the Louisiana Department of Education! She’s an English II teacher in her 15th year of being an educator. Mrs. Madere is always looking for better ways to engage her students. “Make learning fun. Hook ‘em and keep ‘em,” is how she phrased it. Like the time her class, the Madere Maniacs competed in the “Family Feud” game show-style match against Mr. Thomas St. Amant’s class, the St. Amant Slayers. Students in both classes read the same short story and the competition tested their comprehension of the material during a joint live session. Assistant High School Principal Jason Cooper was the referee. Mr. St. Amant’s class won, but Mrs. Madere said she saw it as a win for engaging her students to keep them coming back to her live sessions. She employed a football theme and played songs like “Eye of the Tiger” in another live session. “It makes it fun for me too. It’s not the same old, same old,” she stated. “I kinda go over the top with themes,” she admitted.
As a semifinalist, Mrs.Madere is invited to the Teacher Leader Summit in June, where all competitors for Teacher of the Year will be announced and recognized. Also, all semifinalists will be honored at the 16th Annual Excellent Educators Awards Gala at the World War II Museum in New Orleans In July when the winner is announced. Good Luck, Mrs. Madere