Michelle Smith
To say that Middle School Science Teacher Michelle Smith is fun loving is an understatement. She lends her infectious enthusiasm to any project she’s involved with, saying “You have to enjoy what you do.” Whether it’s a teacher pot-luck lunch or a field trip, Smith is all-in.
She also brings her signature enthusiasm to the online classroom of University View Academy. Smith says she fell in love with science, the experiments and investigation, and hopes her energy is contagious to her students. As a child she played teacher, setting up a classroom in her home but was side-tracked by going into the family business after earning her degree in psychology at LSU. But later, she answered the call to be a teacher and has been with University View Academy for the past 5 years.
Smith says her favorite event at University View Academy is Open House where she gets to meet families and students face-to-face and says it’s the highlight of each new school year. She says the energy she gets from the event sets the stage of meeting the needs of a diverse school population where she can work with students individually and looks forward to the autonomy of planning her courses.
Currently, Smith is working on her Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction at Northwestern State University’s online program to improve her teaching skills and knowledge. She says she is “Blessed to have an amazing work family” at University View Academy and that “Everyone works hard and enjoys what we do.”